Many times you might have experienced microsleep during your travels, drive or work. While you are doing something and suddenly you realize that you don’t remember what you did last. Are you familiar with this? If yes, you have experienced micro-sleeping. Microsleep is a phrase used to describe extremely brief episodes of sleep that we can measure in seconds rather than minutes or hours. It usually lasts for 15 seconds during which we lose conscious control of ourselves. You may have probably witnessed or experienced this phenomenon even if you haven’t heard of the terms “microsleep” or “micro napping”. During microsleep, a person may either nod off or keep their eyes open and appear alert. Regardless of how someone appears during a microsleep episode, their brain is not processing external information in the same way it does normally.
Even if much research in this field is going on, micro-sleep is mostly associated with sleep deprivation or excessive sleepiness. You can avoid lack of sleep and experience sound sleep using spring mattresses. People who suffer from shift work disorder, obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia usually experience microsleep. People who don’t suffer from any sleep disorder also can experience this even if they missed a night’s sleep. Micro-sleep usually occurs in people doing monotonous tasks like, driving at the same speed on an empty road. Micro-sleep can cause serious consequences such as vehicle accidents. So, it is very important to learn what microsleep is, how it can impact people and how to handle it. Microsleep does not necessarily mean you are sleep-deficient or have a sleep disorder.
The reason why we say that microsleep is risky is that it causes accidents while driving, operating sharp machines, or any other sensitive work. Microsleep is unlikely to cause any bodily harm in and of it. It should not be a concern if it occurs in a safe situation, such as one where a temporary loss of focus has no serious effects.
We have yet to find out whether experiencing microsleep is a risk element for sleep disorders or not. Microsleep occurrences are currently not considered as a diagnostic criterion by medical practitioners. Microsleep can be identified during a multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), according to studies, which can help experts diagnose excessive daytime sleepiness more precisely.
Effective measures to avoid it
The easiest method to avoid microsleep is to get enough good sleep each night so that you can perform during the day without feeling exhausted. However, if you must perform repetitive duties such as driving long distances, operating heavy machinery, or just working an 8-hour shift of data entry, you can apply some of the following methods to avoid microsleep-related errors or accidents:
Take a break: Changing what you’re doing for some time helps to break up the monotony by activating different sections of your brain. It is always better to stand up and move about during your break to get your blood circulating.
Take a power nap: Taking a short siesta (about 20 minutes) always helps you refresh your brain. After that your brain will be more alert for a longer period. You can set an alarm if you have trouble waking up!
Have a conversation with someone: Conversations always stimulate brain cells. It also increases the rate of breathing and pushes more oxygen into the bloodstream. So, talking is a nice distraction if you feel sleepy.
Listen to vibrant music: Music is an excellent way to lift your mood. Listening to vibrant, loud music can avoid microsleep. You can also try singing if you are alone or in good company.
Have a coffee: Just keep in mind that the stimulation of caffeine takes around 30 minutes to kick in. Also, don’t eat too much just before your regular bedtime; you might not go asleep and wake up even more fatigued the next day.
American Beds: A perfect solution for your sleep problems
American Beds is a luxury bed shop in Bahrain which has a wide collection of mattresses and useful sleep products. We provide the latest technology mattresses like spring mattresses and micro pocket spring mattresses. You can choose your comfort mattress according to your tastes and physical health. We never compromise on our products’ quality and customer satisfaction. That makes us successful and we are proud to be a leading bed company and manufacturer worldwide.