We all know that our life style, nature of work, daily routine and the mattress we use affects our sleep. But, does our food habits also have an effect on our sleep? The answer is a big ‘yes’. Researches suggest that our food intake plays a major role in determining the quality of our sleep. While certain foods have the power to induce sleep, a few others can have a really negative impact on our sleep and make us feel tired the whole day. Let us discuss a few common food habits that can benefit or harm our sleep.
Food items that induce sleep
Melatonin diet – Follow a diet that has rich supply of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, especially during night. This include red grapes, tart cherries and milk that can be consumed after your dinner, before going to bed.
Malted milk – Milk is known to be a sleep-inducer in every part of the globe since ages. Many people make it a habit to drink a cup of warm milk before bedtime, though only a few are aware of its soporific properties. It has an ingredient known as tryptophan that helps us to fall asleep faster. If the milk is added with a tablespoon of malt powder containing wheat and barley, it becomes the perfect combination that can give you a good night’s sleep.
Carbohydrate – According to studies, people consuming rich carbohydrate diet like rice and wheat have been found to fall asleep faster compared to those having low carbohydrate intake. But this does not apply to those taking high sugar food as a substitute for carbohydrate.
Fatty fish – Fatty fish helps in the production of serotonin, a hormone that keeps us happy and provide better sleep. People who consume fishes like salmon 2-3 times per week are found to get good sleep during night.
Food items that distract sleep
Alcoholic drinks – Many people consider alcohol as a supporting factor for good sleep due to its tranquilizing property. But, it has also many negative effects that counter its positives. It can make you dull, weaken your nervous system and make you sleep deprived in the long run. So, it is better to keep away from alcohol at least 4-5 hours before sleep.
Caffeine – Being the major ingredient of coffee and tea, caffeine can keep you active and disturb your sleep. It may be useful in mild quantity during day hours to remain active, but make sure to avoid it at least 2-3 hours before sleep.
Spicy foods – Reduce the amount of spicy food during dinner. Spices have a tendency to make us active and it also takes extra effort for our body to digest them. This can make our stomach upset and cause disturbance during sleep.
High water intake – Limit the amount of water consumption just before going to bed. We cannot deny the fact that water is very useful for our body. But, if we drink too much water within 1 hour before sleep, we will have to wake up to go to the bathroom in between sleep.
Following the above discussed food habits will help you a great deal to get the right kind of sleep that can keep you refreshed and active throughout the day. Other than food, there are also some other tips that will help you to get a sound sleep like exercise, meditation and getting the right kind of mattress.
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