Every mattress comes with a usable life period. Be it the best spring mattress Bahrain has, comes with a life of 10 years maximum. Some of the latest mattress models can survive even more. However, models such as spring mattresses and below can survive only this much in usable condition.
When I say usable, please don’t compare usability with those who use anything in any condition. We are discussing the usability in standard cases. Also, the lifespan varies according to various parameters.
The Factors Affecting Life of Your Mattress
Many factors can affect the lifetime of a mattress. These factors can range from personnel to universal. Even with proper care, some of these factors come into action and contribute to the visible aging of your mattress. As I mentioned earlier, even the best spring mattress Bahrain has, comes with a maximum age. So, caring has a limit to outperform aging.
The Overall Quality
Quality of the mattress is not just the material used. It can be discussed separately. Here, what I consider first, is the process, technology and finishing of the mattress. The original quality of a mattress includes all of these if it should be tagged as the best mattress in Bahrain or one among the best.
Quality must be ensured in each stage of mattress making. No matter the process is fully automated, semi automated, machine aided or completely handmade, there is scope of messing up with quality in every process. Use of standardized tools and technologies is the prime thing about maintaining quality in the process. Skilled workers add an extra layer to that.
About the mattress finishing, It is not just the external appeal. Finishing also determines how well the knits and stitches are given. The mattress designers determine the patterns and stitching after research. Uneven patterns and irregular stitching of mattresses can create damages a lot easier.
Quality of Materials Used
Indeed, we can’t use substandard materials to make a standard mattress. However, I mentioned the other aspects of quality just because they are easily ignored or rarely considered. Material quality is also equally important. Quality of each material, be it foam, spring set, fabric, beedings, spuns and side supports, contributes to the overall aging of the mattress. For a mattress in Bahrain, the materials should be capable of handling the drastic temperature variations through the year.
Usage Pattern
A major personnel factor affecting the aging of the mattress is usage pattern. Does the mattress have a proper bed set to support it? Whether or not a bed cover is used? What is the ambient temperature set in the room? What are the activities performed on the mattress? How long is being used daily? Answers to questions like these can determine the usage pattern of a mattress.
If you are not giving a proper support for your mattress, the sagging of the mattress will be faster. When you are selecting a bed set for the mattress, it must be made sure the mattress is entirely contained within the bed frame. Otherwise it can damage the borders. It won’t be difficult to get a bed and mattress in Bahrain with this level of compatibility as there are enough beds and mattresses manufacturers in here making them in both standardized and customized sizes.
A bed cover is always a good idea. At least, you must have a mattress spread to protect the mattress surface from getting dirty. When you select the cover, make sure it is not hard towards the mattress and breathability of the mattress is not affected.
The ambient temperature, indeed, contributes to the aging of the mattress. If you are in an airconditioned room, you may have the luxury to set the temperature according to the mattress manual.
About the activities, don’t need to raise your eyebrows. Sleeping is not the only activity performed on a mattress. No, I am not talking about love making alone. For many people, a mattress is a multi-purpose commodity. It may be used for dining, chatting, playing and even as a stage for a home concert. Just like any other commodities, using for purposes which they are not designed for, can cause easy damage to mattresses. Needless to say, the usage hours per day also is a factor of the aging of a mattress.
Cleaning and Caring
I almost included this in the usage pattern section. But, decided not to do so as there is a probability that mattress users and mattress carers can be different people. Also, cleaning and caring are considered separately in all the mattress manuals out there.
We can’t clean mattresses like dresses. It is a fact. Yet, nowadays there are cleaning products exclusively designed for mattresses. These products range from specially designed vacuum cleaners to fast drying liquid cleaners. Proper and regular use of these can make sure we are getting the maximum life in good condition.
How to Extend the Life of Your Mattress?
Aging is different for different matters. You cannot claim every ordinary mattress and the best spring mattress Bahrain has, age at the same rate. It depends on the above factors. All you can do is extend the life of a mattress by choosing the best quality possible, modifying the usage pattern and proper cleaning and caring.